Apprenticeships To Help Young People After Pandemic
4 years ago

Yesterday, Rishi Sunak announced that apprenticeships will get a big boost from the Government in order to help the economy and job market.

This announcement outlined that over 7,000 young people will be finishing education this year and therefore looking for work. During a global pandemic, jobs and early careers have taken a hit which the Chancellor wishes to reverse. The so called, 'Summer Statement' recognised these struggles and encouraged employers to see the benefits of taking on apprentices.


Employers to Receive Payments for Hiring Apprentices

The Chancellor also announced that employers would receive a payment of £2,000 for each apprentice under 25  who is hired and £1,500 for an apprentice over the age of 25. This is on a time range from the 1st August 2020 until 31st January 2021. These payments will be in addition to the existing £1,000 payment the UK Government already offers for hiring 16-25 year old apprentices.

Another programme the Government will look to introduce is project 'Kickstart'. This will mean that employers will receive payments for each under 25 they hire for a set amount of hours per week. 'Kickstart' will fund employers the minimum wage for the age of employee they hire, which the employer can choose to use as a percentage of the young person's overall wage.


Recruiting an Apprentice

Taking on an apprentice can be extremely beneficial for a company. Not only will you receive these payments but you will gain a young person hungry for work and a fresh set of ideas for your team. The UK Government have highlighted apprentices as a great source of development for the country and the economy as well as individual businesses. 

Getting young people into work during these uncertain times may bring around a feeling of normality and continuity to the business and provide a platform to build from. Be sure to have your roles advertised on our website and gain the attention thousands of eyes per month.


To search for opportunities, please use the website to it's full extent and search for the perfect role for you.


If you are interested in advertising an apprenticeship/opportunity, please contact us via [email protected]

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