Apprenticeship Finished – What Next?
4 years ago

QA Apprentice Farouq Sulaiman blogsabout his experience as aProfessional Salesapprentice with his employerLandmark, and what fantastic career opportunities are available to him as aQA Apprenticegraduate.“Nothing short of an amazing journey”

FarouqWell, would you look at this…five months on from my last blog and I’ve only gone and completed my Sales Apprenticeship here atLandmark! I honestly can’t believe how quick these months have flown by, it’s been nothing short of an amazing journey. I remember my first few hours trying to get my head around who everybody was and remembering all these new names! Looking back, I vividly remember all the warm smiles and “hello”s as I took my seat and instantly feeling welcomed.

The first week was most challenging purely because of the sheer amount of information I had to take in. From acronyms, to new passwords, policies and most importantly all of the shiny platforms that I’d be using. Thankfully, I had a knowledgeable support network from bothQA Apprenticeshipsand Landmark that would guide me through it all. One thing I never felt afraid to do was to ask questions, for the first week I think I even asked if I was allowed to go to the loo…

“Interactive workshops equipped me with the tools and resources to become the best sales professional I could be”

Who? What? When? Where? Why? All became my new best friends. It was like I was an inquisitive toddler all over again. As annoying as I thought I was being the constant reassurances like ‘it’s perfectly fine Farouq, ask away’ or ‘don’t be so silly, we are here to help you (accompanied by a smiley face)’ kept any worries I had at bay.

I have to say a massive thank you to my Assessor Julie Chell and my sales trainer Stuart Allen both atQA Apprenticeshipsfor the instrumental support and guidance throughout the duration of my apprenticeship scheme. Interactive workshops equipped me with the tools and resources to become the best sales professional I could be. Stuart’s enthusiastic teaching approach made it feel like I had stumbled across gold dust choosing QA as the training provider. Confirming all my prior thoughts that a career in sales was the best choice for me.

“I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t achieved something new on a monthly or even fortnightly basis”

Farouq charity


Farouq taking part in Landmark’s Bike Challenge to promote employee health & welfare

I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t achieved something new on a monthly or even fortnightly basis, most days I’d go home yapping like an excited Yorkshire Terrier telling everyone what I’d done during the day. I remember when I had written a blog about my experience at Landmark which was circulated to the wider DMGT group. I really felt a part of something massive, a sense of belonging which is always a good feeling.

My most memorable achievement? I’d have to say it was when I hit my quarterly target from January to March. Work that I’d done, hours that I had put in had amounted to me not only reaching, but exceeding my target was gratification that what I was doing and learning was resulting in positive results.

So where does Farouq go from here? Well, I have recently accepted a full time permanent position here at Landmark and my hunger to succeed is echoed by my fellow Landmarkers. But, before I take the next step I need to be the best I can be now as Account Executive, solidify my foundations and become a hub of knowledge. The only way is up, and as I have said before, I can see a promising future here for myself at Landmark.

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