After Years Stuck In The Classroom, I Left College And Got Hands On With An Apprenticeship
4 years ago

Alex (Alessandro) CorgioluAlex Corgiolu,IT apprenticewithQA Apprenticeships, blogs about dropping out of college and swapping the classroom for hands on work.

After studying at secondary school for a total of 6 years, I felt classroom education just wasn’t the right thing for me. After thinking my decision through I decided to apply for an apprenticeship with QA, and within weeks I found myself working forWebhelp UKas anIT Technician Apprentice. I knew I would enjoy the working environment, earning money and gaining experience along with skills in a career area I have a deep interest in.

I have been employed with the company for two months, and so far I have loved every moment of it. One of the things I love most about my apprenticeship is the completely different style of learning from school; instead of being stuck in a classroom all day my apprenticeship gives me hands on experience. I have learnt so much about technology and software that I never even knew existed before my apprenticeship! It is great that I get to earn money whilst learning at the same time. Having experience in the sector you want to start a career in also makes you stand out to employers when applying for jobs.

“I would highly recommend QA Apprenticeships to anyone”

My advice for anyone who is in theposition I was inis to 100% explore the world of apprenticeships! A-Levels and university aren’t the right decision for everyone, and if you prefer much more hands on and practical learning you can’t go wrong with an apprenticeship!

I would highly recommendQA Apprenticeshipsto anyone. The assistance and support they provide throughout the apprenticeship has been exceptional so far, and the high quality courses and high level qualifications make them even more appealing. Even throughout the interviewing stage, they are constantly on hand if you require assistance, and can even help provide you with practice questions if you’re feeling nervous!

Since starting my apprenticeship with QA, I cannot imagine myself being back at school or receiving this much knowledge in anindustry that I want to pursue as a future career, and for that I am truly grateful!

It’s simple, apprenticeships should be considered by anyone thinking about what to do next. I was unsure of what to do at first, but now I have found a fantastic apprenticeship which suits me perfectly.

QA Apprenticeships is hiring now for hundreds of apprenticeship jobs across the UK with top tech & digital employers.Click here to search jobs near you.


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