6 Slices Of Unusual Yet Practical Career & Apprenticeship Advice
4 years ago

You have probably heard the usual sorts of career advice that are doing the rounds – but sometimes to really shine you may need to look past the obvious. Whether you are taking an apprenticeship, starting your first job, or even just working a Saturday job while you do your studies, there is plenty of other less-obvious advice out there too. These little snippets of advice can help push you to the next level so why not see how many of them could be useful for you…

  • Don’t Do Too Much

You may think that by accepting new jobs you are showing that you are a willing and dedicated employee. This is all fine, except when you overload yourself with work. Not only can this leave you feeling stressed, but it can also be detrimental to your career. If you appear stressed and overworked, your boss may think that you are unable to cope with pressure and pass you over for promotion. There is a balance between accepting new challenges and taking on extra responsibility and burning yourself out – don’t get caught out.

  • Make Your Boss’ Life Easier

If there is one person you want to impress at work it is your boss. While this doesn’t mean you should ignore others, you should certainly find ways to make your boss’ day go a little bit easier. Don’t be afraid to ask if there is anything that you can help them with – they will certainly appreciate the fact that you are willing to take on work for them or solve a problem they may have. Quite simply, your boss is the person who can get you promoted and give you the best jobs, or alternatively make your working life more difficult. Stay on the right side of them!

  • Take On Extra Work

While it may seem to contradict the idea of not doing too much, you should be willing to take on some extra work where you can – especially if it is something not in your remit. Even better if you can do something that may be above your pay-grade – it can show that you are ready for promotion to the next level. Just make sure you don’t take on too much, and that you get the credit you deserve too.

  • Look Sideways To Go Up

You may be focused on rising up the career ladder but sometimes it is worth looking sideways for another route to the top. Rather than ignoring those around you, see what you can find out about other roles at your level. Can you get a secondment to another department for example? You may find a different career path that you had not thought of, and if not it never hurts to have a broader view of the company you work for – it’s what all bosses need!

  • Improve Your Job

Can you make your job more efficient? Can you make life easier for the next person working on the same project as you? Find ways to improve the work you do, not just for yourself but for others around you. If you can do this you will demonstrate real value to your employer. Helping the business like this is a way of actually helping yourself too.

  • You Can Always Learn

Don’t shut yourself off to learning from those around you. For apprentices, this is usually a large part of the process, but why just look to your trainers for tips? Find people who are good at what they do and pick up some tips from them. Just by watching others you can find different ways to do your job – simply adapt them to your own style and you are improving yourself all the time.

We will have some more unusual career advice right here on the blog tomorrow, but if you are still unsure what your next move should be, we have some inspiration for your career right here!


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