5 Reasons Why You Should Study Health & Social Care
3 years ago

With the pandemic taking over the world, Healthcare in every country has become paramount and we have come to truly appreciate our key Healthcare workers and thank them for all that they have done and continue to do. In England, we are lucky to be taken care of by the NHS and they have done everything to try and protect the country and its citizens to the highest of standards. 

Although the pandemic has had a huge impact on everyone’s lives, it has also had its benefits in the world of Healthcare. Many individuals have felt inspired by the recent events and decided that they too would like a path in Healthcare. If you have felt inspired, then this blog is perfect for you to understand more about Why You Should Study Health and Social Care. Healthcare is the backbone of each country, which is why it is important to understand why Health & Social is important.

  1. A Rewarding Career

A Rewarding Career

It has been spoken about before, but becoming a Healthcare Professional has been known to be one of the most rewarding careers. You are helping and aiding some of the most vulnerable people in society. You receive a great amount of job satisfaction as you’re able to make a huge impact in people’s lives on a daily basis. Caring for others and seeing your patients go from strength to strength because of the work and commitment you give is very rewarding and fulfilling.

  1. Great Development Opportunities

Great Development Opportunities

Not only is working in Healthcare very rewarding, it also is a career which allows for career progression. Within Healthcare, there are a variety of positions that you can thrive in, you don’t have to stick to one career path within the Healthcare industry. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is important and highly valued within the NHS, not only for career progression but to ensure staff are kept up-to-date with relevant skills and regulations to maintain patient safety.

  1. Global Opportunities

Global Opportunities

We have discussed the different development opportunities available within the NHS, however, with a Health and Social Care Degree, you are able to progress within your career globally too. The healthcare education provided in the UK is highly advanced so that if you were to seek opportunities and experience overseas, you would be competent and able to pursue it. Many students often take up opportunities to complete work experience in other countries to help expand their knowledge and treat different conditions and individuals.

  1. Every day is different

Every day is different

One of the great things about pursuing a career in Healthcare is that no two days are the same. You will be caring for different patients, with different needs and requirements. You never know where the day is going to take you and what problems you will be required to solve. This aspect of the job keeps it interesting and motivating because you never quite know what to expect.

  1. A Growing Sector

A Growing Sector

We know there are great career progression opportunities, but it’s also a growing sector. A career in Health & Social Care offers long-term employment prospects, with opportunity for promotion and progression as well as job security. According to the NHS Jobs website, there are around 25,000 vacancies advertised every month and in July 2020, 1.3 million people were employed by the NHS.

It is an industry that’s always in demand. If you are the right person, with the right attitude and higher education, there are countless opportunities to get

Here are some of the courses you can consider in Healthcare at Regent College London:

Foundation Year Routes:

  1. BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care with Foundation Year (UOB)
  2. FndCert International Foundation Programme (Health and Human Sciences)
  3. BSc (Hons) Health and Social Science with Foundation Year

Bachelor’s Degrees:

  1. BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care (UOB)
  2. BSc (Hons) Health and Social Science

If you’ve been inspired to take up a career in Healthcare, why not get in touch today? Feel free to visit their website here or call 020 3870 6666.

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