5 Reasons Camp America Is Better Than Any Degree
4 years ago

Here’s5 reasons why Camp America is better than any degree you could ever study…1. It gives you the opportunity to travel

Going to camp gives you the chance to explore a new culture. Not only will you get to spend your summer in another country, but you’ll also get 30 days at the end of your visa to travel America! They say travel is the best education, and we completely agree. Travel will teach you more about this world than a degree ever could.

2. You’ll develop life skills

Camp helps you develop tonnes of life skills. You’ll gain confidence, independence and ambition by spending your summer inspiring young individuals. Working with kids may be challenging at times, but it’ll be the most rewarding experience and you’ll come away learning more about yourself than you ever thought possible. That’s life experience that you can’t put a price on!

3. It will help you in any future career

Camp America is the kind of programme that can help you in any future opportunity you take. We have participants in law careers like Judge Rinder, and those that have gone into medical jobs, creative jobs and childcare jobs. No matter what job you do, gaining skills such as responsibility and independence will help you more than you know. No longer will you be scared of the questions in job interviews that say ‘Tell us about a time when…’ because you’ll have an answer for everything!

4. You’ll have the chance to stand out

At camp, YOU are the most important person to those kids. They look up to you and you have the chance to make a huge impact on their lives. It’s pretty special going somewhere where you feel needed, which you are! Camp can’t run without you, and all the amazing friends you make will also rely on you too. It’s the perfect opportunity to grow and figure out who you are, whilst becoming the best version of yourself.

5. No qualifications are needed

You heard it right! You don’t need any qualifications to go to camp. All we’re looking for are people willing to step outside their comfort zone, try something new and take on a new opportunity. No experience? No problem. Camp is for everyone, and no matter your skills or hobbies, there’s a place for you on camp. So if Results Day didn’t go your way and you’re not sure what path you’re meant to be taking next year, we promise going to camp won’t be a path you’d regret.

Good luck for your results! Don’t forget that no matter the grades – they don’t define you!


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