5 Good Reasons Why You Should Write A Personal Blog
4 years ago

Blog - a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first).

When you think of blogging you probably think of someone sat down and writing about their thoughts, feelings, and whatever else they feel like – whether it’s fashion, food, or football. You may even think that the whole idea of blogging is a little bit self-serving, or wonder why anyone might want to read what you write and post online. However, there are some good reasons to start writing a personal blog both for your own well-being and even your career! Here we present 5 good reasons for you to start writing a personal blog:

  • Improve Yourself

When you start writing your blog you will probably have a few ideas to talk about but as time goes on you might want to start coming up with new ideas. This might mean you go out in search of new experiences to write about, find out interesting facts to pass on, or go to new places and try new things. This is what life is all about, and your blog may be the impetus you need to get out there and enjoy it. Plus, you might also accidentally learn something and end up improving yourself too!

  • Start Your Career

OK, so there is a chance that you will end up being a professional blogger, but that is not the only career path that a well-written and solid blog can help you along. Having a portfolio of writing will certainly help with any jobs in areas such as journalism, for example, while a regularly updated blog shows you are a dedicated and efficient worker. Your blog can also look good on your C.V. or be a part of your ‘online brand.’

  • Show Your Skills (And Impress An Employer)

So maybe you don’t want to be a journalist and want to keep your writing for fun? Or maybe blogging doesn’t really fit in with your chosen career path? You can still use your blog to your advantage when it comes to finding a job you want. You can show your interest in a particular subject as well as demonstrating some of your knowledge about it via your blog. So, for example, if you wanted to get into the motor industry, you could write about cars on your blog, or if fashion or music is more your thing you could blog about that. Even if you don’t know what you want to do for your career, writing about something you love could be a good way to start getting ideas.

  • Keep Your Brain Working!

Writing a blog is a good way to keep your brain active. Just like any other organ in your body, you need to look after it to keep it in good condition – and that means doing some exercise now and again. Your blog can be a mental exercise to keep your mind ticking over as you think about what topics to write, how to write them and any other things you might want to add, such as photographs or pictures. The great thing about a personal blog is that it is yours to decide what you want to write about, so it can always be interesting for you to research and write.

  • Self-Expression / Art

While looking to improve yourself or progress your career are both good reasons for writing a blog, you can simply decide to do it for the love. Being creative and getting to express yourself can be reason enough to write a blog. Sometimes just the joy of doing something is worthwhile enough, there doesn’t always need to be an ulterior motive behind doing something creative. So, if you think you’d enjoy blogging, just do it.


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