3 Tips For Success In Your Next Apprenticeship Interview
4 years ago

It’s no secret that interviews can be a pretty daunting experience. After all, you’re meeting with someone you’ve never really spoken to before and you’re under pressure to make a great impression in a short period of time.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. With the right amount of research, preparation and a positive attitude, attending your apprenticeship interview don’t need to be as scary as you might initially think.

To help calm your nerves and set you up for a win, read on for CV-Library’s top tips for success in your next apprenticeship interview.

1. Research the company and role

It all begins with a little bit of research. When you applied for the job, you may have looked up the company website, or read about the company in the job description. Well, now it’s time to go one step further.

Make sure you understand what the company does and who its customers are. They may have a ‘history’ or ‘about us’ section on their site which can be useful for this – or look them up on social media.

Many interviewers will ask what you know about the company, so it’s handy to have some reference points to hand. Just avoid reeling off random facts and figures which don’t add any value.

In addition, it’s important that you know what role you’ll play within the organisation. Look back at the job description and check that you’re comfortable with the key responsibilities, as well as the personal requirements for the role.

2. Prepare in advance

Once you’ve done your research, it’s time to start your preparation. Look up common interview questions online and practise your responses to these. You can always ask a friend or family member to help you out and do a bit of role-play.

What’s more, you should also practise talking about yourself. Your potential employer will want to learn more about the skills you’ve learnt at school, why you want to start the apprenticeship and even what you like to do in your spare time. Preparing your mini sales pitch can help to ensure you can do this with confidence

Another great piece of preparation advice is to prepare some questions to ask your interviewer. This might be questions like “Why are you taking on an apprentice?”, “What qualification will I receive” or “What have other people done when they’ve completed their apprenticeship.”

Here are some other factors you need to think about:

  • Plan your route: Factor in any train delays or traffic jams and consider how they may disrupt your journey. Ideally, you should arrive 10 minutes before the interview is due to start, but it’s fine to arrive earlier than this – you can always go for a walk around the block or grab a coffee to kill some time
  • Dress smartly: Make sure your interview outfit is washed and ironed and always have a backup in case of any spillages! If you’re not sure what to wear, you can always ask the employer beforehand, but go for a smart outfit just in case
  • Bring supplies: It’s always a good idea to come prepared with a notepad, pen, a copy of your CV and a copy of the original job description. Print out the questions you want to ask and write down any other notes or reference points

3. Think about your body language

When it comes to the interview itself, it’s important to consider how you come across to the employer and any other potential colleagues you might meet. This starts from the moment you walk through the door, so consider your body language!

Greet everyone with a smile, shake their hands and maintain eye contact. Avoid crossing your arms and place your hands in your lap to avoid any unnecessary fidgeting.

If you are feeling nervous – that’s fine! It’s actually ok to tell your interviewer that you’re feeling this way. They’ll want to make you feel as comfortable as possible – especially as it might be your first ever interview.

Most importantly, be yourself. If you have the right attitude, employers will want to hire you, so never try to be something you’re not.

Ready to impress in your next apprenticeship interview?

Hopefully, this guide will have assured you that with the right preparation and attitude, your next apprenticeship interview doesn’t need to be an overwhelming task.

Remember, the interviewer may be equally as nervous, so be yourself and build up a rapport with them. You’ll be sure to make a great impression and land that apprenticeship in no time at all.


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