What Is The Best Apprenticeship For You?

So, you have decided to take the apprenticeship route. But now you embark on the venture to find the right one. With an array of levels and various titles that comes with just one apprenticeship search, it can be overwhelming and potentially daunting to pursue the right one.

Within this blog, we will discuss what an Apprenticeship really is and what factors you should take into account when deciding the ones to apply for, as well as what factors should be considered when hopefully, multiple offers are received.

What Is an Apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships are educational and training programs designed to create skilled professionals in specific industries. Apprentice’s engage in on, and off-the-job training, being paid for completing the training with a government-approved training provider and working towards a nationally recognized certification, whilst gaining the necessary skills and industry experience to succeed. The exact structure of an apprenticeship may vary across industries but often includes:

  • Academic coursework.
  • Certification training.
  • Practical application of learned knowledge.
  • Mentorship from experienced professionals that act as a guide.

This unique combination can offer many benefits for those looking to advance their careers or start over with a new profession. An apprenticeship program can provide the skills, knowledge, confidence, and certifications needed to substantially impact any field.

Which Apprenticeship Can Be the Best for You?

When searching for an apprenticeship, you may come across various levels ranging from 2 to 7. Intermediate is the term used to describe a level 2 apprenticeship and is equivalent to GCSEs.

Level 3 follows and is known as an advanced apprenticeship which is equivalent to A-level. Both Levels 4 and 5 are equivalent to a foundation degree, known as a higher apprenticeship and Level 6 is equivalent to a Degree level apprenticeship.

Finally, Level 7 is equivalent to a master's degree, and just like a Normal Master's degree, entry requirements of a bachelor's degree are necessary. Different entry requirements will apply to each of these apprenticeships, whether that be just passing Math and English GCSEs or having 3 A-levels.

Contact the company directly if this information is missing from the apprenticeship description. In addition to getting your query answered, doing this demonstrates to potential hiring staff that you have an interest in the company and you're an individual that endeavors to find solutions. A great first impression!

What Are the Impacts of Choosing between the Different Levels of an Apprenticeship?

So how do these apprenticeship levels affect you? It mainly depends on your industry. When looking for apprenticeships, do some independent research on the job role and see how vital certain qualifications are.

If a higher qualification is required in your industry of choice, such as a degree, then only search for level 6 if you have not got any previous degrees, or search for both levels 6 and 7 if you already have an undergraduate degree. Research is Key.

Another area you should consider when searching for your Apprenticeship is what is important to you. Some areas to look at include:

  • Location - For some, the location may not be an issue if you're willing to relocate, but if you're planning to stay in the area you live in, then consider commute times.
  • Career development – How far can you go in this role? What is next after you receive your qualification? Is the job guaranteed after completion? These are some questions to consider.
  • Salary – This is an area that motivates many. Consider the cost of living as well as perhaps the value of the benefits associated with working in the company. 
  • Values – When reading the company's values, ask yourself if you agree and pride yourself in them. It is crucial to be honest with yourself here.

With these potential areas and factors and some of your own, consider creating a table with potential apprenticeships in the chosen sector you want to work in.

Then arrange how important each factor is to you. Rate apprenticeships out of 5 and total the scores they get. The Apprenticeship with the highest score is most valuable to you.

What Are the Advantages of Apprenticeships?

 Apprenticeships offer many advantages to a person looking to start or advance their career. They combine the theoretical knowledge and supervised practice typically found in traditional education with additional hands-on experience and mentorship opportunities.

This gives graduates of apprenticeships a unique insight into their chosen field and an unparalleled understanding of how theory is implemented in practice.

Additionally, programs like apprenticeships are often very cost-effective for both the student and employer, with participants earning wages for their work as they gain invaluable experience.

Overall, there are countless advantages to taking part in an apprenticeship program - whether you’re just starting out in your career or looking to move up the ladder.


What is the best apprenticeship level?

Apprenticeships range between level 2 to level 7. Higher the level, the better it is in terms of the level of qualification and credibility.

How do I choose an apprenticeship?

1.  Consider your goals.

2.  Do your research.

3.  Consider the length of the program.

4.  Consider the cost of the program.

5.  Ask questions, and ensure clearing all your doubts before enrolling.

What are the most popular apprenticeships?

Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship, Business Systems Apprenticeship, and Actuarial Apprenticeship are the most popular Apprenticeships currently – but note this changes frequently with the addition of some great new programs and of course the changing consumer field of interest


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