Easter Break Exam Tips
1 year ago

The Easter break is a great opportunity to take some time out but also an important time for revision and exam preparation. The more organised you are, the easier it will be to get everything done! We've put together some top tips on how to make sure your Easter break is an effective one when it comes to revision and exam preparation.

Planning your time is important so you can make the most of it. A study schedule or revision timetable can be a great way to stay on track with your exam revision and preparation. 

At the start of your Easter break, you should set realistic goals to help you stay on track and stay motivated! It's also important not to overwhelm yourself by setting unrealistic goals for yourself because, by the end of the two-week break, you'll want to feel positive and confident for when the exam season begins.

When you create a study schedule, don't forget to make some time for your friends and family! You are going to need some time to relax and not think about your upcoming exams, so it's important to spend time with the people you love to ease the pressure and stress.

There is a lot of pressure on students to perform well in their exams, but it's important not to neglect your health and well-being during this time. Getting enough sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your health and well-being. Sleep helps you to think clearly, perform well in your studies, stay active and healthy, and avoid mistakes.

Don't skip meals - make sure you eat three balanced meals each day, with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as protein such as meat or fish. If possible, make sure you don't go hungry either; if you're tired from studying, then your body will be low on energy stores which will affect how well you can concentrate when revising.

Don't over-indulge in junk food - although it might seem tempting after all that hard work, try not to snack on unhealthy foods. Instead, opt for healthier options such as fruit smoothies (which are great because they contain lots of vitamins).


Studying is more effective if you space it out over a period of time. It's better to study in small chunks than cramming all your studying into one session at the end of the day, which can lead to a lack of focus and concentration. 

During your revision time, avoid putting the TV on or having your phone by your side. It will help you concentrate, and you will be able to learn more. When you give yourself a break, you can always check in with the latest viral video trending on TikTok! 

Don't panic if things don't go according to plan either - even if things aren't working out as well as planned at first glance, it doesn't mean all hope is lost - just keep going!

Practice is the key to success when you're preparing for an exam. The more you practise, the better you will get at whatever it is that you are trying to learn.

The practice also helps develop skills and build confidence in your abilities. If there's something that has been giving you trouble or taking longer than expected, keep practising until it becomes easier for you.

Don't forget to relax! This is an important step because if you don't take care of yourself during this break, it will have a negative impact on your studies and mental health. 

Remember, it's important to relax and enjoy yourself, but you should make sure that all the revision preparation that you had planned for the break is completed, so you can feel confident when going back to school. 

Start planning effectively if you want to prepare for exams during the Easter break in the best way possible. You can implement time management and use some techniques I have mentioned in the below section of FAQs. Those techniques will surely work for you as I've added those as per my experience. If you create a proper study schedule and manage time efficiently, you can surely optimise your exam preparation.

From all of us at Not Going To Uni, we wish you all the best of luck with your exams!

If you want to prepare effectively for exams during the Easter break, I suggest you start by creating a study schedule. In this schedule, break down your subjects or topics into manageable chunks and allocate specific time slots for each. This will help you stay organised and ensure you cover all the necessary material.

Time management is important during exam preparation. If you want to manage your time efficiently, I recommend you set realistic goals for each study session and prioritise your tasks based on their importance and difficulty level.

Also, stop procrastination and start working in focused intervals with short breaks to maintain productivity. You must eliminate distractions as much as you can, such as social media notifications, and use productivity-based apps to stay on track. However, don't forget to allocate time for relaxation and leisure activities as well. They will help you maintain a healthy balance.

If you want to maintain your revision focus during the Easter break, I have some expert tips that will surely help you. Firstly, increase your understanding and retention. You can actively recall, such as summarising concepts or teaching them to someone else, which can help reinforce your knowledge. Mind maps and visuals as they are useful for organising information and making connections between different topics. 

Also, you must practise answering past exam questions in the proper exam format to track your progress. You can also form a study group with your classmates to discuss and explain concepts, as collaborative learning can be a lot beneficial.

If you want to maintain your motivation and prevent burnout during exam preparation, I've got you covered. First of all, set specific and achievable goals to keep yourself motivated. Also, break your study sessions into smaller, manageable tasks to maintain a sense of progress and accomplishment. 

You should always reward yourself after completing challenging tasks or reaching milestones to stay motivated. Don't forget to take regular but small breaks to relax and engage in physical activities. I recommend you not study for long stretches without breaks, as it can lead to burnout.

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