Cybercrime – Setting A Secure Password
3 years ago

With all the news about accounts being hacked and cyber criminals accessing bank details, it’s a good time to think about how secure your information, social media and bank accounts actually are.Alternatively, if you’re a whizz then maybe you would like to search for jobs in IT, including cyber security or find out more about what is involved. Here are some top tips for setting a strong password, and also some of the worst and most often guessed passwords used by people.
Always set a password that is between 8 and 15 characters in length
Do not use your name or any name associated with you, such as your company name or the name of your pet as these are far too easy to guess
Your password should not be a complete word – try incorporating numbers or symbols or mixing the word up
Mix character type: uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols
Some password setting tipsNomatter how tempting it is, always use different passwords for different things – if you use the same password for everything, then once someone has guessed one then they will be able to access everything.Try constructing a password from a sentence that is memorable, for example: ‘I despise eggs intensely because they are horrible’ becomes, ‘ideibtah’ – now mix up your characters and add symbols and numbers and it becomes ‘iD3ibtaH!’Never allow your browser to remember your passwordChange your passwords regularly (every 4 months say)Some examples of terrible passwords (DO NOT USE)passwordphotoshop12345678qwertyiloveyouadobe123

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