3 Things I Wish I’d Have Known Before The Start Of My Apprenticeship

During the start of your apprenticeship, you may think it's important to consider key aspects that can contribute to your success, which is true. For example, understanding goals and expectations, building relationships, accessing support systems, and adapting to workplace culture.

However, there are three major aspects that I felt the most worth sharing in this blog. As I continue my monthly series of blog posts, where I delve and look into various topics surrounding my apprenticeship, I wanted to go into 3 things I wish I had known before undertaking my apprenticeship.

Let's start!

There is going to be a tremendous amount of support for you, and you’ll be eased into your role. Something which may seem like everyone thinks about, but it is easy to overlook. I went into my apprenticeship thinking about how I would learn everything so I could do my job effectively, thinking that I’d be given all these tasks I saw on the job description when applying and more. 

But the reality is that you will be slowly eased in, shown the ropes by your line manager and your buddy, which most workplaces will have. A buddy is someone who you can go to when your line manager isn’t available. You will also be able to ask questions and gain clarity on all that you learn, as well as ask if you can go through things again. 

Remember, an apprenticeship is all about gaining practical, first-hand experience in the real world, so it is not all theory, and you’ll be able to learn and understand while you are learning each of the course content of the qualification side of the apprenticeship. When it comes to the work side of your apprenticeship, i.e. your job, you’ll be able to go through tasks one at a time, and understand each one before moving on, something I wished I thought of before my apprenticeship.

The employer is going to find out and see how they can work for you and your apprenticeship, not you working for the employer and the apprenticeship. You may be thinking, what do you mean by this? 

Well, your employer will essentially try and find ways to accommodate you and work around your schedule and your apprenticeship coursework/assignments. They will be extremely flexible, and they will schedule things which work around you, instead of the perception of you working around the employer’s schedule and having to compromise your learning in terms of your apprenticeship course and your on-the-job training. 

Always make sure you have a tailored plan in place for your development both within your role and your apprenticeship before starting. This is something to potentially discuss during the interview process and or selection process.

Thirdly and finally, I wish I knew that you were able to take on roles of responsibility, such as becoming an Ambassador for my Apprenticeship training provider, Multiverse. 

This would have allowed me to plan ahead on how I could use this opportunity to benefit myself, the community and fellow apprentices, as well as individuals who are considering the apprenticeship route. 

I have managed to become an Ambassador for Multiverse and Not Going To Uni, as well as counting on promoting the apprenticeship route through my LinkedIn following!

So, that’s a wrap and brings to a close my 2nd monthly blog post. I do hope you’ve enjoyed my post. If you want to check out my LinkedIn Profile, you can type in my name, Aymen Belkacemi, and I am the person who is an apprentice for UCL and currently undertaking my apprenticeship qualification with Multiverse. There, you can check out my posts about my apprenticeship, tips and mentoring advice, as well as posts promoting apprenticeships!

If you want to build relationships with your colleagues, it can be highly beneficial to ensure that you get successful in an apprenticeship. You can consider how you can demonstrate professionalism, enthusiasm, and a willingness to learn. Also, you should take the initiative to introduce yourself, ask questions, and actively engage in team activities to foster positive connections.

We recommend you familiarize yourself with the resources and support systems available to you. For example, know more about mentors, supervisors, HR personnel, or employee assistance programs. If you got successful in understanding who to reach out to for guidance, feedback, or assistance, it'd always be easy to seek help to navigate challenges and make the most of your apprenticeship.

Reflect on the skills and knowledge you want to acquire during your apprenticeship. Also, you should consider setting personal development goals. Think about how you can actively seek learning opportunities, take on new challenges, and demonstrate a growth mindset. You must establish a proactive and goal-oriented approach, as it will contribute to your success.

Every workplace has its own set of expectations for professional conduct and workplace culture. You should take time to understand the values, norms, and policies of your organization. You can consider how to align your behaviour with these expectations and maintain a positive attitude. It will lead to a contribution to a supportive and inclusive work environment.

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